For chapter 4, I would like to talk about Interdependence.
Interdependence is a essential quality of a system, it refers both to the wholeness of the system and its environment and to the interrelationships of individuals within the system (p. 107). A particular example that the textbook provided is that a student relies more on a instructor than a instructor relies on a student. Another example is that a marriage depends on both partners doing their share. If one partner has mentally checked out of the relationship then it probably would not work out. Interdependence is important because people usually should feel like they have to "share" rather than have the "me" mentality. This is called the "tradegy of commons". People should not have the independent mentality and more of the interdependent mentality.
leaving the workforce
13 hours ago
Interdependence is a word that has become more noticeable in the United States since sept 11. We as a nation depend on one another for support rather it be emotional or financially. I do believe as the years went on, we learned to self sufficient, but not loose that relationship that has been built with one another. I do believe that organization communication ties into interdependence. Just as well as it took time to rebuild this nation, communication takes time to excel as well.